Tel: 07974 133007

Health Transformation Programme

This 6 month health transformation programme involves regular appointments and check ins (approximately every 2 weeks).  This helps  build a successful client-practitioner relationship and provides many opportunities for feedback and updates to get to the bottom of long standing symptoms and health issues . This longer programme supports you to  make sustainable changes and get results, especially with symptoms that people have experienced for years.

My coaching programme will provide:

  • accountability to keep you motivated and on track to achieve your health goals and feel your best.

  • someone to turn to if you have questions, doubts or are just having a difficult day.

  • support to find a way of eating for YOU that supports your gut health and improves your symptoms.

  • an understanding of your symptoms and health issues so you know what is going on and why you’re feeling the way you do.

The programme includes the following:

  • An initial consultation to assess your health, nutrition and lifestyle in detail (60 minutes). This can be via Zoom or in person (Co Durham area).

  • 6  x Follow up consultations (30 minutes)

  • Email support throughout the programme.

  • Regular email check ins.

  • Personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan which includes bespoke recommendations, meal suggestions, relevant recipes and resources to support your health goals. These are updated throughout the 24 weeks.

  • Supplement plan and a review of drug / supplement interactions (if relevant). 

  • Discount on supplements.

  • Diagnostic testing recommendations and interpretation of any results (if relevant).



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