Tel: 07974 133007

12 Week Programmes

I  would always recommend a coaching programme because I can achieve the best results for clients by working together over a period of time rather than just having a one-off appointment.  

Communication is key and this  programme involves regular appointments  and check ins which help build relationships and provide opportunities for feedback and updates to get to the bottom of  symptoms and get results.

My coaching programme will provide:

  • accountability to keep you motivated and on track to achieve your health goals and feel your best.

  • someone to turn to if you have questions, doubts or are just having a difficult day.

  • support to find a way of eating for YOU that supports your gut health and improves your symptoms.

  • an understanding of your symptoms and health issues so you know what is going on and why you’re feeling the way you do.

The programme includes the following:

  • An initial consultation to assess your health, nutrition and lifestyle in detail (60 minutes). This can be via Zoom or in person (Co Durham area).

  • Follow up consultations (30 minutes) - the number depends on the level of support required over the 12 weeks, 

  • E mail support and check ins throughout the programme.

  • A personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan which includes bespoke recommendations, meal suggestions, relevant recipes and resources to support your health goals.

  • Supplement plan and a review of drug / supplement interactions (if relevant). 

  • Discount on supplements .and tests

  • Diagnostic testing recommendations and interpretation of any results (if relevant).

£395 - 3 x monthly follow up consultations over the 12 weeks
£495 -  6 x fortnightly follow up consultations over the 12 weeks


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